The Diapalante Community Education Centre …
Eager to learn
Life in one of the world’s least developed countries is tough: job, food and health insecurity are commonplace and many jobs do not provide an adequate income. The Diapalante Community Education Centre identifies educational issues that hold back adults and children from surviving and thriving in their community, and prioritises the issues that the Centre is best placed to address.
Diapalante is at the heart of the community. Everyone is welcome to come and learn at the Centre and people come as their many other commitments allow. Often members are both learners and volunteers. For example: teenage learners volunteer for training in our Young Leaders programme before leading activities for primary school children while trained adults and older teenagers help in the literacy programme for young people who do not attend school. The Centre also benefits from links with the local education authority and other community organisations.
Community Education
Helping individuals gain the skills they need to build successful and fulfilling lives.

A better start at school
For many Senegalese children schooling is in a language they do not understand – French. In our successful after-school project Young Leaders organise fun activities which improve both the children’s mastery of French and their overall school results.

Work experience
Through the Diapalante Community Education Centre’s volunteering programme teenagers and adults gain both training and real-life work experience. The knowledge, skills and understanding gained are valuable assets in the search for employment.

Literacy for adults
The livelihoods of many adults who are unable to read and write are under increasing threat from a growing need for formal documentation. The Diapalante Centre’s literacy groups helps these bread-winners improve their literacy skills and avoid losing their jobs.

Resources for learning
We all learn from people around us but our horizons widen when we have access to books and to the internet. Most people do not own books in Senegal, so the Centre’s small library and computer room provide valued learning opportunities.

Learning for work
In addition to the training for volunteers exercises and short courses develop practical, design and financial skills to provide a broad skillbase and improved opportunities in the world of work.

English really matters
The Diapalante Centre has a growing reputation for its English teaching.
English is a highly valued skill whether you are a dealer in secondhand goods, an exporter of peanuts or Senegalese art, or an aspiring footballer or musician.
How to contribute to these projects
There are so many ways that businesses large and small, schools and individuals can help.

Donate equipment
The Community Education Centre makes good use of many donated items. These include but are not limited to new or reusable:
* sewing machines (domestic and industrial)
* computers and laptops,
* office equipment and stationery,
* school furniture
* stacking chairs.

Donate skills
We sometimes need expertise or specialist skills which as a small charity we cannot afford. Could you offer help with artwork, social media, redesigning our database? While some skills

Learning partnerships and exchanges
We offer and benefit from a range of partnerships: with University and College groups, secondary and primary schools, community organisations – both youth groups eg scouts, guides, Duke of Edinburgh, Project Trust and groups for adults eg churches, WI.

Corporate and small businesses
Donations of skills, equipment or money help us to develop new programmes or continue the Diapalante Community Education Centre’s existing projects.

Donations from individuals
Every donation, whether a regular or a single donation, helps the Diapalante Community Education Centre to continue its outreach from year to year. If you donate from your wages or participate in a sponsored event it is worth checking whether your employer offers matched funding!

Trusts and foundations
Ongoing funding contributing towards the Centre’s core costs is gold dust – we would love to receive more funding towards the continuing delivery of the excellent programmes the Centre has developed. We also welcome funds enable us to develop new projects at the Diapalante Community Education Centre.