Donate now
If you wish to donate now the button below will take you to our secure donation form. Diapalante is charged a small processing fee (approx 1.3%) on these donations.
If you would like us to receive 100% of your donation you may prefer to Donate by Bank Transfer instead, instructions below.
Donate by Bank Transfer
You can make a one-off donation or regular standing order using your online banking app.
1. Please use the button below to give us your contact details, Gift Aid your donation (if appropriate) and request our newsletter.
2. Here are the details to make a donation via online banking.
Account Number: 51576712
Bank Sort Code: 40 28 14
Bank Details: HSBC
Name of Account: Diapalante
Donate by post or in person
If you wish to make a one-off donation by cheque or postal order, please make it payable to Diapalante and send to the address below:
Diapalante, Kirby Manor, 73 High Street, Ashwell, Herts. SG7 5NP.
Please tell us if you would like to Gift Aid the donation or joining our Mailing List.
Leave a gift in your will
Legacies make a big difference to us.