Gift Cards

Find gifts for family or friends from the Diapalante’s Special Gift Card range. Each card sponsors a particular aspect of our work. The card has a space for you to add your own message, before giving it to your relative or friend.
Helping Street ChildrenEducation BasicsFun and ChallengesImproving Job ProspectsGift Vouchers

Helping Street Children

These gifts benefit the talibes, young boys who live in poverty spending many hours each day on the streets, begging for alms. The gifts below help to improve their basic health care, preventing and treating their most common ailments.

shoes-or-sandalsShoes or Sandals £10

This gift card provides locally made leather shoes or sandals for a street child in West Africa. These protect their feet from cuts which may become infected, and the burning midday desert sand.
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Help with health careHealth Care £10

This gift provides a day’s supply of medicine to Diapalante’s “Clinique de la rue” project which provides basic medical aid to street children in West Africa.
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Help with health careMosquito Net £7

Every minute someone in Africa dies from malaria. This gift card provides a mosquito net for several street children to share. Nets protect the children from mosquito bites which spread malaria..
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Helping Street ChildrenEducation BasicsFun and ChallengesImproving Job ProspectsGift Vouchers

Education Basics

The Diapalante Community Education Centre in Kaolack Senegal welcomes anyone who wants to learn. Youngsters fill the centre until evening when adults come to lean English (important for trade) or computer skills. Such opportunities to learn are needed but rare, in a country where 4 out of 10 children do not complete primary education (World Bank 2014).

Library in a BoxLibrary in a Box £250

£250 funds a library in a box for a rural classroom. The class receives a box of 50 books. The books can be exchanged at Diapalante’s library to ensure a constant flow of different books.
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TextText Book £7

Add a textbook to Diapalante’s library to help those who are preparing for exams. A real treat if you are used to sharing an incomplete or out of date copy or making do with no textbook at all.
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Mastering MathsMastering Maths £5

You sponsor an adult or child to attend a basic maths course. Mastering these skills is helpful for running a home or a business.
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Help Children to ReachHelp Children to Read £5

The younger children at the Diapalante centre enjoy story telling sessions, reading time, and other activites to encourage a love of reading. Sponsor these important daily sessions for a week.
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Internet for LearningInternet for Learning £25

You provide a months internet access for the 20+ computers at the Diapalante Community Centre in Senegal. A huge range of free learning opportunities are utilised in lessons and for homework.
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Exploring ScienceExploring Science £5

This gift card provides the Diapalante Centre with basic equipment such as magnifying glasses or weighing scales to enable adults and children to take their first steps into the world of science.
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Sponsor the Centre for a DaySponsor a day     £50

You are sponsoring a whole day’s learning for all at the Diapalante Community Education Centre. The use of the computers and internet, the library, lessons for children and adults.
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Pencils All RoundPencils All Round £5

Provides a year’s supply of pencils for several classes of children or adults. That will make it easier to learn!
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Gift VouchersHelping Street ChildrenEducation BasicsFun and ChallengesImproving Job Prospects

Fun and Challenges

These gifts offer the chance to develop wider interests. The activities are fun but also encourage creative thinking, planning, teamwork, and leadership.
These are useful skills for surviving the challenge of living in one of the world’s “least developed countries” (United Nations classification).

Football CompetitionFootball Competition £50

This gift card sponsors a local knockout football competition. Football is played in the streets all around Kaolack and everyone loves the challenge and the hope of being a champion.
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Dance ClassesDance Classes £30

Dance is very popular in Senegal. £30 provides a course of dance classes for the children at the Diapalante Community Education Centre.
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A Grand Day OutA Grand Day Out £5

The Diapalante annual day trip is eagerly awaited by many children. This gift sponsors a child to participate in the outing.
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Rice Sack Garden Challenge £20

What would you grow in a rice sack in the middle of a city in a semi-desert area? This gift lets people at the Diapalante Centre in Senegal explore what they can manage to grow in a rice sack.
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Drama LessonDrama Session £5

Drama is a popular activity used to explore challenging situations and promote health awareness. You pay for a specialist to lead a session.
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Quiz NightQuiz Night £15

£15 sponsors a fun quiz night at the Diapalante Centre. Quiz nights are great for building team spirit and reinforcing learning. This special gift includes snacks all round!
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A Year of Song and MusicA Year of Song and Music £20

Singing and music are an important and enjoyable part of lessons at the Diapalante Centre. This gift contributes to the cost of buying drums, providing song sheets and sound equipment.
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Gift VouchersHelping Street ChildrenEducation BasicsFun and ChallengesImproving Job Prospects

Improving Job Prospects

These gifts enable adults and children to develop skills which open doors and improve job prospects.

Office Skills CourseOffice Skills Course £10

Information Technology classes enable adults and children to gain the computer skills needed for many office jobs. This gift enables an adult or child to complete one of our graded courses.
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Train a Youth LeaderTrain a Youth Leader £50

Give one of our volunteer leaders the appropriate formal training for their work at the Diapalante Centre. The course leads to a recognised qualification in community youth work.
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English LessonsEnglish Lessons £5

English is an important foreign language for commerce and learning. This gift sponsors a child or adult for 10 English classes.
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Sewing Kit for a Young DesignerSewing Kit for a Designer £5

Tailoring is a common career choice in Senegal. To encourage exploration of new techniques, this kit includes the materials to allow a young designer to sew lights into their creations.
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Gift VouchersHelping Street ChildrenEducation BasicsFun and ChallengesImproving Job Prospects

Gift Vouchers

Please choose value of your gift voucher from the dropdown box below:

Gift Voucher    £10, £20, £30 …

Give a gift voucher card to anyone you feel would enjoy choosing between the special gifts in this catalogue. The vouchers are available in multiples of £10 to spend by post or email.

Gift VouchersHelping Street ChildrenEducation BasicsFun and ChallengesImproving Job Prospects

Give 25% More Free!

Because the Gift Cards below and our Advent Calendar are considered donations, they are eligible for Gift Aid, which can boost the value of your donation to us by 25%. If you are a UK taxpayer and wish to Gift Aid your eligible gifts please complete the form which will appear after checkout.

Other Pages: Shop frontJust for ChristmasGifts Made in SenegalGifts Made in the UKAbout Ordering