At the Diapalante Community Education Centre the younger members enthusiastically set about making hexaflexagons quite unaware that, as well as a fun craft puzzle, they were doing a maths activity. It was a rewarding exercise, the hexaflexagons got everbody asking questions and trying to work out the answers with their friends.

The first challenge was to follow the instructions to glue and fold the paper template to get from the row of triangles to the hexaflexagon. Then we had to work out how to flex the hexaflexagon to reveal its hidden surfaces. The flexing bit was easiest for those who were accurate in cutting, folding and gluing. But, with perseverance, we all got to a shape which flexed.
Some maths was introduced by the session leaders, and some by the children:
What is this six sided shape called?
A regular hexagon is made up of how many equilateral triangles?
How many colours of triangles did we start with?
Why can’t we see them all now?
Where are the other colours hiding?
If you have never tried this, have a go. Hexaflexagon template.