Hello! we are learning to use the computers. I made an introduction PowerPoint today. I hope you like! Fatou
1 thought on “A member introduces herself”
Hi my name is Awa i’m a member un DIAPALANTÉ CENTER and i’ve ben there for two month
I like english and even in class it’s m’y favorit subject but we aller know that un school we can’t have aller de want about this language So we need this kind of centre that van help US for improving our language.
Let me tell you that un DIAPALANTÉ CENTRE it’s not only the students who can there but if you want to improve your language or practise this language you’re welcome
Also english is the most popular language un the world because it’s an important ,interesting ,particular and lovely language
In short you can join US here where de learn and practice freely this lovely language. And you will know that here se are ONE BIG FAMILY before aller
And i can’t finish without naming-drop this persons : MR P, PIPPA AND OUR DEAR MIARIAM thanks you aller
Hi my name is Awa i’m a member un DIAPALANTÉ CENTER and i’ve ben there for two month
I like english and even in class it’s m’y favorit subject but we aller know that un school we can’t have aller de want about this language So we need this kind of centre that van help US for improving our language.
Let me tell you that un DIAPALANTÉ CENTRE it’s not only the students who can there but if you want to improve your language or practise this language you’re welcome
Also english is the most popular language un the world because it’s an important ,interesting ,particular and lovely language
In short you can join US here where de learn and practice freely this lovely language. And you will know that here se are ONE BIG FAMILY before aller
And i can’t finish without naming-drop this persons : MR P, PIPPA AND OUR DEAR MIARIAM thanks you aller