Here at Diapalante Centre we had an amazing – and educational – festive period! We managed to link December’s theme of Christmas in to a variety of different subjects, from English to science and even maths! The month started off with some paper crafts for some of the younger members. They tested their folding abilities by making three-dimensional stars, and managed to make a paper chain that stretched the lengths of the corridor!

For some of our more advanced scientists, we also created paper Christmas trees with real Christmas lights! Using conductive tape, batteries, and LEDs, the members created small circuits which gave the impression of Christmas lights.

As well as these more practical lessons, we also had lessons on Christmas vocabulary in English and French, and even Christmas-themed maths exercises! The members found this both exciting and interesting, and there was something for all levels to learn.
Everyone at Diapalante Senegal would like to wish a Happy New Year to everyone, near or far, who has supported the centre and the work we do. We hope that you all had an amazing festive period, and that 2018 brings you all happiness!